The Guild of Residential Landlords has been approved as a training provider for Rent Smart Wales!
Rent Smart Wales is the name given to the requirement to register and licence when renting property in Wales.
From 23 November 2015, landlords and agents have 12 months to comply with the new legislation before it becomes an offence to let or manage a property without a licence (and if you’re a landlord, registration).
As a condition of any licence issued, it will be a requirement that some training be done. This training is available through Rent Smart Wales but is also available through approved training providers who may use approved training courses. Approved courses will be based on that already provided by Rent Smart Wales. (We will be shown on the training page soon, hopefully tomorrow).
Rent Smart Wales has been considering a number of training providers for approval and the first approvals have now been published. Today, the Guild of Residential Landlords is pleased to announce it has been fully approved to provide training which will be suitable for a landlord or agent licence.
In addition, Training for Professionals whom the Guild works closely with has also been fully approved and is able to provide training to landlords or agents using it’s approved training course.
A19 Skills is the other provider to be named.
Online training for a Rent Smart Wales Licence is available from the Guild of Residential Landlords at the following rates:
- landlords online course £19.00 with discounted rates available if they have staff
- agents online course from £39.00 with discounted rates available where a staff package is purchased which can include 2, 5, 10, 15 or more staff training
- a 10% discount is available to Guild subscribers or PRS Accreditation Scheme accredited landlords or agents by entering coupon code TRAINING2016.
These rates are introductory during the transitional period up to November 2016 after which they may increase.
Access to the online training modules can be for up to 12 months depending on the package purchased and staff can be added anytime during the access period.
Training for Professionals can provide bespoke in-house face to face training for agents and their staff. It is also possible for agents to invite landlord clients who may wish to obtain a licence to complete the landlord training at the same time.
Landlords or agents wanting to know more about online training should consult our dedicated Rent Smart Wales licence training website and for Rent Smart Wales face to face training, should be consulted.
What fantastic news for the Guild. As someone who regularly attends training from Training for Professionals and support from from Adrian, I know the training is going to be excellent.