The Welsh Government has extended the increased notice lengths of six months until 30 September 2021.
This is a departure from England, who recently reduced some notice periods to four months.
In the Welsh Government announcement, they say:
The purpose of this alteration is to ensure that during the on-going public emergency, and in the light of the continued uncertainty caused by the emergence of new virus variants, landlords continue to give increased notice to tenants facing eviction from rented properties before landlords can issue proceedings for possession. The effect will to be to delay evictions meaning that: fewer people will face eviction into homelessness at a time when local authorities are less able to respond to these situations; those renting their homes will benefit from increased security and reduced anxiety; and individuals at risk of eviction will be provided with increased time to seek support to resolve any problems. Consideration is also being given to what further support can be provided to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic on the sector.
The Coronavirus Act 2020 (Residential Tenancies: Extension of Period of Protection from Eviction) (Wales) Regulations 2021 will commence from 30 June 2021 when the previous extension was set to expire.
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